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发表日期:2020/10/23 17:03:45 出处:江宁区铜山中心小学 作者:王鑫 有1125位读者读过










Unit3 Story time教学设计

江宁区铜山小学   年级上册  英语 学程预设案

教 材





课 题

Unit3 Holiday fun

Story time







1 Students can listen , speak and read the new words : Bund , Shanghai Museum , caught , ate.

2 Students can read and understand the meaning of the story.

3 Students can retell the story .

4 Students can talk about their holiday life .


1 Students can read and understand the meaning of the story.

2 Students can retell the story



PPT , some photos



1.熟悉story time的人物


问题设计 学习要点

点拨  选择  创意

Step 1 Free talk

1T: Boys and girls , welcome back to school .

It was National Day holiday last week .

Did you have a good time for the National Day holiday ?

( Teach : National Day , holiday  )

How do you feel your holiday ?


2 T: I took some photos on National Day.

Look at these photos and you will know where I went for the holiday .

(Show the pictures : Xuanwu Lake , Hongshan Zoo , Wanda Cinema)

3 T: Where did I go for the holiday ? What did I do there ? Guess ! S :

4 T: What about you ? Where did you go for the holiday ? What did you do there ?


Step 2 Presentation

1 T: Just now we talked about our National Day holiday .

Mike and Liu Tao talked in the classroom What did they talk about ? Can you guess ?

2 Lets watch the cartoon .

What did they talk about ?

A: National Day holiday  B: Planning for the weekend  C: May Day holiday

3 T: What did Liu Tao and Mike do for the National Day holiday ?

( Show Think and write )

Please read the story by yourselves and try to fill in the blanks .

( Teach : Bund , Shanghai Museum , catchcaught )

4 T: Nancy wants to know how do Mike and Liu Tao spend their holiday .

So she asks Su Yang some questions about the two boy s holiday.

Can you help Su Yang to answer the questions ?

( Show Ask and answer )

Please read the story again and try to underline the answers.  


5 Read the story in group .

6 Try to retell the story .

Mike and Liu Tao talked about their National Day holiday .

Liu Tao went to .and


Step 3 Consolidation

T: It was the first day after the National Day holiday . Mr Green asked the students to write a story about their holiday life . How do Mike and Liu Tao to write ? Can you teach them ? You could help one of them . Please write and read to him.


1 Talk to your classmates about your National Day holiday.

2 Write a story about your holiday life.

Unit4 Story time教学设计

江宁区铜山小学 年级上册 英语 学程预设案





Unit4 Then and now

Story time





1. 能正确理解故事内容,有感情地朗读故事。

2. 能听懂、会读、会说词汇:then and now, use, telephone, mobile phone, anywhere, radio, make friends, all over the world, do shopping

3. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写词汇:ago, office, newspaper, news, watch, e-book, with, yesterday

4.能听懂、会读、会说、会写句型:ago, he/she Now he/she








问题设计 学习要点

点拨 选择 创意

Step 1. Warming up

1.T: Do you know the song?  

S: Where is time going?

T: Yes, time flies quickly. We are growing up, and the things around us are changing. We know,  the world is changing.

2. T: Then what is changing?  Do you have your idea?

Step2. New learning


1. T: Perfect. I like your ideas. Now I’ll show you a family. Do you know them? Who is he/ she? ( Mike, Mr Brown, Mrs Brown, Mike’s grandpa)

2. Then, how about this boy? Yes, this is Mike six years/ Mr Brown twenty years ago/ Mrs Brown twenty years ago/ Mike’s grandpa thirty years ago.

T: (总结)The time before, we can use this word: Then. ( what does it mean?)

T: Today, we are going to learn Unit 4, Then and now.

T: SO ,can you say sth. about Mike’s family?  (对比说,is/are, was/were

T: They have changed a lot. And this lesson, we’ll know more about the changes of Mike’s family.


1. () This boy, he is Mike. Now, he is a young boy. And he can do many things now. Let’s guess, what can he do?

(图)T: Could Mike do all these things six years ago?  What could he do? (读couldI give you two fist letters here. Can you guess?  What couldn’t he do?

T: So, six years ago, Mike could read….. but he …(师生一起读文本)

T: Can you describe little Mike six years ago and young Mike now?

总结:In fact, everyone is changing everyday( the changes of people),

What they look like is changing(appearance) , and what they can do is changing, too(ability).

3. T: And we know, as we people are changing everyday, our life is changing, too. Now let’s listen to the tape, and try to catch: what they did then and what they do now. And remember to tick them quickly.  After learning let’s check.

4. look at Mr Brown. This is Mr Brown twenty years ago. And This is Mr Brown now.

What did he do then and what does he do now?  

(1)Read the paragraph quickly, and try to find out the communicate tools.

(2)read the four words. T: They are needed when we want to contact others. So ,which one do you like? And Why?

(3) How about Mr Green? What did he use twenty years ago? match: wrote letters, used the telephone How about now? ( match: writes e-mails, uses the mobile phone)

T: Let’s imagine where he did or does these things. Where did he wrote letters/ use the telephone/ write e-mails/ uses the mobile phone?

(4) T: Let’s read this paragraph together. Now, try to describe Mr Brown.(学生复述)

(总结)T: Then and now, the way to contact people is changing .

5. T: look at the pictures, do you remember her? Mrs Brown  Let’s see what changes have happened on her.

(1) T: What is she doing in the picture?

(2) T: Are you right? Read it please. (解释e-friends)  So maybe she is doing some shopping or chat with her e-friends on the Interenet.

(3)And this is the picture of her twenty years ago. Then she was a schoolgirl. Where did she make friends? And where did she buy things?

(4) Read the text with your partners.

(5) T: Let’s try to fill in the table , OK? 根据表格说一遍。

(总结:It tells us the way to ______ and the way to _______. And the ways are changing now.

6. (1)T: And besides these, the way to get news is changing now.

   How do you get news, boys and girls?  ( I get news from_______. )

(2) T: How did Mike’s grandpa get news thirty years ago, and how about now?

  T: First, let’s look at the two pictures. Watch carefully and try to find the difference.

(3) Read the text together, and try to retell it.

7. Read the whole text together.

8.T: What do you think? You can discuss in groups first.

Ss: Their life is…(colourful, cool , modern, happy…) ,because…


T: This time, let’s work in 4. Each one chooses a part to read. Then use the phrases on the blackboard to make a report about your part.(分组练习朗读,然后四人一小组,上台借助板书进行反馈)

Step4 Homework

1.Listen and read Story time.

2.Retell Story time on P38

3.Bring two photos and think of the changes between two photos on P40.

